The meaning of Michael Jackson standing in Eastern Europe…

YouTube-Michael Jackson-Dangerous World Tour-Live in Bucharest music
画像出典:©2022 MJJ Music-YouTube-Live


マイケル ジャクソンが東欧に立った意味…

A stadium in Bucharest, Romania, with 90,000 screaming fans.It was broadcast live on radio on October 1, 1992, and just nine days later, the concert was televised on HBO in more than 60 countries around the world.Recorded the highest rating in cable history.
Watch the full concert now on Official Youtube to see the magicヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ”

ブカレストの観衆は Michaelの意思ですThe audience in Bucharest is Michael’s will.

Perfect beauty. Michael is a testament to how much a man can influence the world. All he has is a microphone. What we can do.

30年も前の1992年にも関わらず、お客さんのリアクションが凄い。ルーマニアは旧東欧で 唯一のラテン系の国でもあり、ノリが良いから? 否、それだけの理由ではありません。此れは…1989年12月の〝ルーマニア革命〟の直後だからです。
Even though it was 1992, 30 years ago, the reaction of the audience was amazing. Romania is also the only Latin country in the former Eastern Europe, and it has a good passion for it? No, that’s not the only reason.
This is … just after the “Romanian Revolution” in December 1989.

Broadcast rights revenue is estimated at around £ 15 million in Europe alone.
The reason I chose Bucharest for the television broadcast was that the purpose of the tour itself was to attract people’s attention for [Heal the World Fund]. Bucharest was a prominent deficiency in the orphanage, as a starting point for the formal promotion of the fund, and to complain about the dire situation of Romanian children.

From Wikimedia Commons,File:Bucharest
第二次世界大戦下のルーマニア Romania during World War II

首都はBucurești 面積は日本の本州とほぼ同じ。第二次世界大戦は、ソ連による領土占領を受け ファシストのアントネスク将軍ドイツに接近し枢軸側として参戦。ドイツがブカレストに進駐し内政に介入。対ソ戦 最前線でルーマニア軍が壁にされ アメリカ軍とイギリス軍の重爆撃機によって大きな損害を被りました。大戦末期 ソ連軍によって解放される形となり 戦後は共産国としてソ連の衛星国家に組み込まれます。
The capital is Bucharest. In World War II, the Soviet Union occupied the territory, and fascist General Antonescu approached Germany and participated in the war as the pivot side. Germany is stationed in Bucharest and intervenes in domestic affairs. At the forefront of the war against the Soviet Union, the Romanian army was struck by a wall and suffered heavy damage from heavy bombers by the US and British troops. It will be released by the Soviet army at the end of the war and will be incorporated into the Soviet satellite nation as a communist country after the war.


1965年共産党チャウシェスクが書記長になり 社会主義共和国へ変更。ソ連と距離を置き 親西欧路線で 工業化を図り空前の経済成長を遂げます。偉大なる指導者として支持を受け 74年頃からナショナリズムを利用し チャウシェスク個人崇拝の強要がなされていく。学校では「チャウシェスクの歌」を合唱させ 親族血縁を要職に就け独裁者へと変貌していきます。人口増加を目指して中絶禁止を施行 避妊具は普及しておらず ストリートチルドレンが溢れた。そして、オイルショックを契機に経済が破綻。1980年外貨獲得の為 自国民を困窮させてまで 物資の大量輸出をする〝飢餓輸出〟を行う。食べ物不足 暖房燃料切れ 街灯の半減 停電の頻発 TV放送2時間の限定しかも商品豊富なお店や記録的豊作のフェイクニュースを流しプロパガンダに傾倒していく。各地でデモが頻発する中 秘密警察の監視下で民衆は思想 言論の自由を抑圧された(どっかの国と同じ) 83年には世界最大級の議事堂宮殿を建設し 虚栄を演出。

The collapse of Nicolae Ceausescu’s administration for 24 years
1965 Communist Party Ceausescu becomes General Secretary and changes to a socialist republic. Achieve unprecedented economic growth by industrializing on pro-Western routes at a distance from the Soviet Union. With the support of a great leader, from around 1974, Ceausescu’s cult of personality was forced to use nationalism. At school, he sings “Ceausescu’s Song” and takes on a key position of relatives and transforms himself into a dictator. Abortion ban is enforced with the aim of increasing the population Contraceptives are not widespread and street children are overflowing. And the economy collapsed in the wake of the oil crisis. 1980 Performs “hunger export”, which exports a large amount of goods until the people are in distress in order to obtain foreign currency. Insufficient food Heating fuel runs out Half of streetlights Frequent power outages Limited to 2 hours of TV broadcasting Moreover, we are devoted to propaganda by broadcasting fake news of abundant products and record-rich harvests. During the frequent demonstrations in various places, the people were suppressed from freedom of thought and speech under the supervision of the secret police (same as in some countries).In 1983, he created the vanity of building the world’s largest palace of parliament in Bucharest.

1989年 治安警察が抗議デモに発砲した事で 国民が蜂起します。軍部内にも反旗を翻す者が現れ 首都ブカレストにいた独裁者は逃げ出す。残存のチャウシェスク派と銃を手に取った市民による市街戦が激化する中、チャウシェスクの逮捕・処刑で〝ルーマニア革命〟が成されました。
ただ MichaelLiveを行なった頃も、新政権に対し旧共産党員が残っているなど 民主化が不徹底であると主張する学生たちが座り込みなどで抗議したり、その学生を排除し運動を押さえたり 内なる改革の最中でした。
独裁者の歌を合唱させらていた 子どもたちにとって…Michaelの歌は感慨深いものがあったでしょう。Michaelのホスピタリティには頭が下がります…だから意思を尊重したい。
ルーマニアは東欧の中でもラテン系言語を使用し 周辺国からの疎外感を覚えていて、同時に強い誇りを持った民族でもあります。戦争体験や言語の孤立感は日本人と似てるかもしれません。

In 1989, the people uprised when the security police fired at a protest demonstration. A rebellious person appears in the military, and the dictator in the capital Bucharest escapes. The “Romanian Revolution” was formed by the arrest and execution of Ceausescu as the urban warfare between the remaining Ceausescu factions and the citizens who picked up the guns intensified.
However, even when Michael performed Live, students who claimed that democratization was incomplete, such as the remaining members of the former Communist Party, protested against the new government by sitting down, excluding the students and suppressing the movement. Romania was in the midst of internal reforms. For the Romanian children who were chorusing the dictator’s songMichael’s song would have been deeply emotional. Michael’s hospitality makes me enthusiastic … So we want to respect our will.
Romania is one of the most proud ethnic groups in Eastern Europe, using Latin languages ​​and feeling alienated from neighboring countries. The experience of war and the sense of isolation of language may be similar to those of the Japanese.

余談 : 今作には遺作である『This is it』のオルテガ監督が舞台監督としてクレジットされています。本編映像にも登場してるw 正に時を超えたエンタメショウ KING of popの魂が宿るメッセージを真っ直ぐに感じたい。Amazonアソシエイト→
Digression: In this work, director Ortega of Michael’s last work “This is it” is credited as a stage director. It’s also appearing in this video. It’s an entertainment show that is truly timeless. We want to feel the message of the soul of King of Pop straight (╹◡╹)

▼Amazon video primeなら現時無料視聴 (Amazonアソシエイト プログラムの参加者です)

マイケル・ジャクソン This Is It (字幕版)

Michael Jackson is not superman…
He was just as worried and laughing as we were.
He can sympathize with people all over the world,Michael entrusted us with hope.


  • Jam
  • Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’
  • Human Nature
  • Smooth Criminal
  • I Just Can’t Stop Loving You
  • She’s Out Of My Life
  • The Jackson 5 – Medley
  • Thriller
  • Billie Jean
  • Workin’ Day And Night
  • Beat It
  • Will You Be There
  • Black Or White
  • Heal The World
  • Man In The Mirror

DVDはリニアPCMステレオでYouTubeよりも音が良いです♪ 歌っている時に字幕で日本語訳が出ます 英語字幕も切り替え可( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)私は楽天市場のブックオフで買いました家宝の一枚です。


