特集 日本の女性シンガーの個性 多彩ぶり
YOASOBI-ikura (Ikuta Lira 幾田りら)
YOASOBI, a unit that “embodies novels with music and images”, has appeared. In particular, ikura’s vocals are so tight and precise that you’d think she’s a vocaloid.
Hot topic, especially among the younger generation. She also tried in charge of the voice of Hiro-chan, the best friend, in the “BELLE”.
- <real akiba boys> danced “♪Yoru ni Kakeru” in Akihabara at night
- SAKIKOKO [How to sing♪] Coaching. 歌唱の運動神経が正確 amazing!
The one-shot “THE FIRST TAKE” is gaining popularity among music fans both in Japan and overseas as it gives a real sense of the singing ability of the artist.
Let’s face the songヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ”
Ai Higuchi ヒグチアイ
Higuchi Ai is a singer-songwriter who captures the subtleties of emotion.
She will perform “Devil’s Child,” which was written as the ED theme for the TV anime “Shinkage no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2.
This song questions the question of “correctness,” which not only guides people but also sometimes becomes a cause of conflict.
LiSA opening song to Demon Slayer-“Gurenge 紅蓮華” performed live on 「THE FIRST TAKE」completely BLEW ME AWAY…
- Vocal Coach & Professional Singer <Kat>Reaction–(YouTube)12′50″
LiSA’s attention to detail and vocal perfection make my Vocal Coach and Professional Singer reaction a fan girl zone./ LiSAの細部へのこだわりとボーカルの完璧さは、Vocalコーチでプロの歌手である私を、女子領域に誘ないます✿―Katriinkaさん
♪“Gurenge” was a song with many words, a wide vocal range, and a fast tempo that surprised listeners. For example,“raise the sound in the high range”, “raise the voice”, and “extend the sound”.
The amazingness of LiSA, a singer, was manifested in her sharp singing that aimed to go beyond physical limits. /LiSAがブレイクした要因は、身体的発声の限界を振り切った攻めの姿勢。
The song was written for ⚽️“FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022“
Since Lisa was originally a rockband vocalist, She is at her best with the melody that screams with the band sound!
リサは元Rockbandのvocalなので バンドサウンドで叫ぶメロがハマってます!万雷の拍手

And ♪”homura” is a song that allows you to fully enjoy LiSA’s expressiveness and singing spirit.
After LiSA sings as if breathing in as the melody line rises, there is almost always a part where she sings as if breathing out as the melody line descends. Please pay attention to this undulation. It’s wonderful that her carefully sings the subtleties of the heart while carefully treating the “withering” part of the natural breathing that expands and withers.
It affirms the most fragile part of people’s hearts, and in the end, makes them look forward.It’s not only the character expression of “Demon Slayer-鬼滅の刃”, but it’s also close to each and every one of us living outside the screen.
In the live video of “THE FIRST TAKE”, LiSA’s singing, which puts her own emotions into the song, has the power to touch the hearts of the viewers. /そして「炎」は LiSAの歌心。メロディの強弱で 人の心の最も脆い部分を肯定し、寄り添ってくれる。
Piano arrangement of a solemn performance. Perform a single shot.
SU-METAL’s voice has a “piercing” high tone that can be heard through the loud volume of the music, and the simple piano accompaniment accentuates the “crystal clear” quality of her voice…
It is said that the most difficult thing for a singer is to sing straight.
BABYMETAL【SU-METAL (Vocal,Dance) / MOAMETAL (Scream,Dance) / (YUIMETAL※Former member)】
The song caught the attention of Alan, the promoter of the Sonisphere Festival.
As the 60,000 spectators went into their lunch break, the girls gave it their all on the main stage.
この曲は Sonisphere Festivalのプロモーターであるアラン氏の目に留まりました。
“Sonisphere Festival 2014” in the UK and supporting Lady Gaga on her “ArtRave: The Artpop Ball” 2014 tour.
■AKIcorazón-🎨【Fan art】

BABYMETAL’s “Metal Resistance” is spreading around the world✿
Kaho Nakamura 中村佳穂(BELLE)
The queen of ad-libs continues to make great strides, her one and only trembling voice that dances freely with the power of singing that is not bound by genre.
躍進を続けるアドリブの女王 ジャンルにとらわれない歌の力で自在に踊る唯一無二の震え声
- Vocal Coach-SAKIKOKO(YouTube) [analysis] “Voice magician” no subtitles 15′
- 『BELLE』(Official) 弾き語り/playing MV 9′
Singer Ado, who has received overwhelming attention from the younger generation.
Ado’s charm is overwhelming singing ability. It is expressive as if several singers are singing in one song.The bass part produces a heavy and powerful voice, and the treble part sings with a feminine and stretchy high tone✿
◆MV♪”Usseewa“ subtitles 6 countries
Poignant lyrics that expose all the dissatisfaction of the world. Adults said, “I don’t want children to listen to this song,” but Ado’s song was a big hit. like Rock ‘n‘ Roll!Mid 1950’s
- SAKIKOKO-[analysis] “Voice magician”-no subtitles 13′
- beat boxer <Stitch> from Malaysia‐About song composition 13′

Rei is a young talent who landed in the blues/rock world.
日本人として初めて「TED NYC」でライブを行い SXSWなど世界のフェスに出演「前例がないー」場に咲いた🌸
🎸 “Categorizing Me” (Official MV) 前段で“日本人として―”とか書いちゃって、反省…
In my opinion,kawaii hard blues &singing is also unique
🎸 PLAYS… at SXSW 2016 (Official) 4′
bewitching 妖艶な…
- Vocal Coach-SAKIKOKO no subtitles 17′ “vocalization is art”
真打 Shin-uchi / flowering of emotions✿
She will perform “Beauty”, a song that she created with the thought that she should not forget and forgive the past days when she was criticized for her appearance and was hurt.
- SAKIKOKO [Voice analysis] 21′ Japanese text “trembling tears”
- ANN NEWS 13′ English and Korean subtitles
Alternative R&B, hip hop, reggae, soul-club-beat music♪ A singer-songwriter who develops genre-less music, featuring lyrics that are poetic yet have a strong message, soulful and reverberating singing voice. 言葉遊びやソウルフルな歌い方、素の魅力.
●♪摩天楼(skyscraper) / THE FIRST TAKE
milet ミレイ
A unique singing voice with a husky and profound feeling.
●milet×Cateen -♪Ordinary days / THE FIRST TAKE
●♪inside you (THE HOME TAKE)
Aimer エメ
◆Aimer MV ♪”Demon Slayer”Entertainment District Arc OP
milet×Aimer×ikura – produced by Vaundy
So complicated and technical, everyone’s voice is real✿